#TVETNaHELB : Enjoy Ksh.40,000 for your TVET fees from HELB

Campus editions to focus on Big 4 Agenda
May 12, 2014

#TVETNaHELB : Enjoy Ksh.40,000 for your TVET fees from HELB

HELB is providing financial assistance for Kenyans who have completed Form 4 (regardless of the year of completion), to join college and further their skills. This is a guideline on the application process for a HELB TVET Loan. The deadline is 31st Jan 2020. Apply today!


First, choose your preferred college from this list of 130 institutions approved for HELB TIVET loan.

The following are the required documents and information required to successfully apply for a TIVET HELB loan. Ensure you have all the information before starting the application in order to complete the process in the shortest possible time.

  1. Passport Size Photo
  2. Copy of your ID
  3. A bank account, in your name, opened in a bank e.g. Equity Bank, KCB, Transnational Bank
  4. A computer or Cyber Café with stable internet connection for the application process
  5. A working phone number and email address
  6. A postal address you have access to.
  7. A visit to your preferred institution and obtain an Admission Letter & Number & Copy of fee structure.
  8. Copy of your KCPE & KSCE Result Slips
  9. Copy of Parent’s ID Cards (Father, Mother), where applicable
  10. Copy or Copies of Death Certificate if a parent is deceased or orphaned
  11. Copies of Father’s/Mother’s Payslip(s) where applicable (if parents are employed)
  12. Copies of Guarantors ID Cards and KRA Pin Numbers

TVET Na HELB Mentorthon Foundation


  1. You need the following to open a HELB account: A stable internet connection and a computer, A phone number with you during the time of application and an email address you have access to during the application. If you don’t have, log into www.gmail.com and create an email address
  2. For a student who has already created a HELB account, Login to portal.helb.co.ke and select Tvet Loan / Bursary First Time For Tertiary Institutions. For 1st time users, Select User registration and you will see this page where you will submit your ID Number and First name for validation
  3. After validation, you will be taken to this page to complete opening your account. At this level you need your Phone number, working email address Login into your email address provided in the form above and click on the link provided on the email sent from HELB to validate the account. Once you click the (Click Here), the link takes you to the login page for HELB where you will use your email address and password provided on account opening.
  4. A verification code will be sent to your mobile phone and you will use it to authenticate your account by entering the 4 digit number sent to your phone number in the space provided. You will be taken back to the login page where you will use your email address and password to access your HELB portal
  5. You will be required to fill further details to complete your registration. A postal address is mandatory at this stage. Inquire of a postal address you can access e.g. Your family, your church, nearby school or a friend in advance to complete this stage.


On completion of registration, you will choose the HELB loan you are interested in, in this case, the TVET Loan. (Application deadline is 31st Jan 2020)  .You will be diverted to go through an online financial literacy information guide called Maisha EDU. On completion of Maisha EDU, You will proceed with the TVET LOAN application process. Please note the MANDATORY information you must have beforehand to successfully complete the application

TVET Na HELB Mentorthon Foundation


  1. Personal Details: This is pre-filled using your previously filled information
  2. Education Details: You need to fill your primary school and secondary school information ( Name of school, start the year-end year, Index number, grade)
  3. Institution Details: You need to choose your institution of choice, course, Admission number, fees, the amount you can raise and the amount you are applying. You need to have gone to your TVET of choice and obtained an admission Letter
  4. Parents: Your Parent marital status and fill out your father and mother details where applicable. In-case of bereavement, death certificates.
  5. Family Expenses: Details of your family expenses and education expenses of siblings where applicable
    Guarantors: You need 2 Guarantors with the following information: Full name, phone number, occupation, KRA Pin NO, email, date of birth and postal address
  6. Bank: Details of your Bank Account (Bank name, branch, Account number )


Upon the successful filing of the above information, you will print the form from the HELB statement as a PDF and take it through the following steps;

  1. Affix a passport size photograph.
  2. You sign as the applicant.
  3. Your parent /guardian signs on the form.
  4. Your pastor /Kadhi signs.
  5. Chief or assistant chief signs.
  6. A commissioner of oath (Lawyer) signs.
  7. Guarantor 1 & 2 Sign and alongside, a lawyer signs /Certifies.
  8. Your bank confirms your account details and stamps on the form.
  9. You sign against the terms & conditions + indicate your ID number

After successful completion of this process, make a copy of the document and submit the original to the HELB Desk in your nearest Huduma Centre or HELB Offices at Mezzanine 1, Anniversary Towers, and University Way, Nairobi. Some colleges collect the forms on behalf of the students and submit them to HELB.

TVET Na HELB Mentorthon Foundation

For any further information or clarification, please contact HELB using the following contacts
HELB Contact Centre Phone No: 0711052000
Email: contactcentre@helb.co.ke

#TvetNaHELB is an initiative of the Mentorthon Foundation (www.mentorthon.com), in support of the Higher Education Loan Board (HELB) mandate, aimed at increasing TVET enrolment through the access of HELB loans. We aim to enroll 500 of our mentors for each to assist 10 students to successfully apply for HELB Tvet loan, in total enabling 5,000 young people to further their skills. For any further information or clarification, about Mentorthon Foundation, please contact ;

Oscar Kimani

Vice President, Partnerships & Growth – Mentorthon Foundation


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